Campaigns & Modules

Campaigns and Modules

In the Compendium load, materials for managing campaigns can be accessed. Documents can be created, maps can be organized, and encounters can be saved. All of the creatures and Player Characters are managed here as well. This article will focus on managing Campaigns, which are whole adventures for the Player Characters. This will also apply to Modules which are small bite-sized adventures that can be inserted into larger campaigns.

Creating a Campaign

Creating a campaign is the first step in planning a larger long-term adventure for the Player Characters. A campaign can consist of Maps, Pages, and Encounters. You can Group these files together into folders.

  1. Tap on the Compendium.

    Campaigns, Modules, and Asset Packs can be added here. Player Characters as well as items, gear, spells, and monsters can be also added to the Compendium.

  2. Tap the Campaigns button.
  3. Tap the add button to add a new campaign. This is where the title can be set and a description can be added. Modules can also be inserted and Player Characters can be assigned.

Inserting Player Characters into a campaign makes it easier to add a group of Player Characters to an Encounter or Map.

Managing a Campaign

Once a Campaign is created the planning phase begins. As stated above, the following files can be added to a campaign:

The use of Maps can be unlocked via the in-app purchase in the Settings or via the in-app Subscription.