
    <item id="BADD84E5-5219-4710-B4BF-1C5C45B359C9">
		<name>Adamantine Armor</name>
		<heading>Armor (medium or heavy, but not hide), uncommon</heading>
		<source>SRD 5.1</source>
		<text>This suit of armor is reinforced with adamantine, one of the hardest substances in existence. While you&apos;re wearing it, any critical hit against you becomes a normal hit.</text>


Attribute Type Description
id String UUIDv4


Field Type Description
name String  
slug String for referencing
type String AA - Armor, WW - Weapon, LA - Light armor, MA - Medium armor, HA - Heavy armor, S - Shield, M - Melee weapon, R - Ranged weapon, A - Ammunition, RD - Rod, ST - Staff, WD - Wand, RG - Ring, P - Potion, SC - Scroll, W - Woundrous item, G - Adventuring gear, $ - Wealth
weight String  
heading String  
attunement String  
rarity String  
value String  
property String A - Ammunition, F - Finesse, H - Heavy, L - Light, LD - Loading, RN - Range, R - Reach, S - Special, T - Thrown, 2H - Two-handed, V - Versatile
value String  
dmg1 String  
dmg2 String  
dmgType String B - Bludgeoning, P - Piercing, S - Slashing
range String  
ac String  
source String  
image String art image filename
bookmark Boolean YES, NO
text String