
<player id="79A826C2-1694-4EEA-92FB-70B0F511BCDD">
    <name>Thorin Stoneheart</name>
    <speed>30 feet</speed>
    <light id="D9F3DCF9-BE84-49F6-BE41-92E564EE7B6B">


Attribute Type Description
id String UUIDv4


Field Type Description
name String  
slug String for referencing
race String  
class String Artificer, Barbarian, Bard, Cleric, Druid, Fighter, Monk, Paladin, Ranger, Rogue, Sorcerer, Warlock, Wizard
level Integer  
xp Integer  
ac String 14 (hide armor) or 14
hp Integer 11
speed String  
str Integer  
dex Integer  
con Integer  
int Integer  
wis Integer  
cha Integer  
descr String description
party String (Deprecated)  
skill String Skills
senses String  
passive Integer Passive Perception
initiative Integer Initiative Modifier
spells String Fireball, Firestorm
equipment String Staff of Fireball, Adamantine Armor
ideals String  
bonds String  
flaws String  
ddb String Link to DDB character sheet
image String art image filename
token String token image filename
bookmark Boolean YES, NO
light Light